Beržulis is an ongoing experimental type foundry project created by Studio Cryo with a focus on Lithuanian mythology and alphabet. Completed kerning, lowercase letters and other glyphs are still in the process. The project is funded by Lithuanian Cultural Council. Website development by Tomas Martinkus. All typefaces are free to use and are licensed under the SIL Open Font License.


If you like my work, please consider donating. If you are using Beržulis typefaces for product selling, please leave a credit “x typeface in use by Studio Cryo”.


Also, take a minute and read an interview about “Aušrinė” typeface on Eye On Design!

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Type to try.


Magyla in Lithuanian mythology is the demon of death who likes torturing people. She is also a maid of Grim Reaper. Typeface created by Studio Cryo. Current version is 1.000.


Type to try.


Pizius in Lithuanian mythology is a God who protects love, marriage & sexual relations. Typeface created by Studio Cryo. Current version is 1.000.


Type to try.


Gaila in Lithuanian mythology is the evil night spirit. It was believed that in dreams she would come and torture people and animals… Typeface created by Studio Cryo. Current version is 1.000.


Type to try.


Barstukai (pronounced bars-tu-kai) in Lithuanian mythology are tiny people living in the forests, under the trees. Typeface created by Studio Cryo. Current version is 1.001.


Type to try.


Žaltys (pronounced zhal-tees), or the Grass Snake, is a household spirit in Lithuanian mythology, guardian of the home and a symbol of fertility. Typeface created by Studio Cryo. Current version is 1.000.


Type to try.


Kupolė (pronounced qu-po-l-eh) is the spirit of springtime vegetation and flowers bringing people health, happiness, protecting against all evils. Typeface created by Studio Cryo. Current version is 1.000.


Type to try.


Aušrinė (pronounced oh-sh-r-i-n-eh), is the morning star and deity of the dawn that descends and rises above the horizon. According to Lithuanian traditions Aušrinė had an adulterous relationship with the moon god Mėnuo. Typeface created by Studio Cryo. Current version is 1.000.


Beržulis is an ongoing experimental type foundry project created by Studio Cryo with a focus on Lithuanian mythology and alphabet. Completed kerning, lowercase letters and other glyphs are still in the process. The project is funded by Lithuanian Cultural Council. Website development by Tomas Martinkus. All typefaces are free to use and are licensed under the SIL Open Font License.


If you like my work, please consider donating. If you are using Beržulis typefaces for product selling, please leave a credit “x typeface in use by Studio Cryo”.


Also, take a minute and read an interview about “Aušrinė” typeface on Eye On Design!

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Type to try.


Magyla in Lithuanian mythology is the demon of death who likes torturing people. She is also a maid of Grim Reaper. Typeface created by Studio Cryo. Current version is 1.000.
